Saturday, August 22, 2009

Jo's home produce for us.

Brian's actual birthday dinner. Louise and Jo Ann join us at Tarr Steps for dinner.

Don't know how this one got in again.

Nice on the the teenagers

Playing card tricks.

Charlie making Lynda laugh!

Freddie making Ben serious!

Girls nattering

Brian's bash

Dan in the distance, top of the table! Next is Ellie, Gabriella, Freddie, Emily and Hayley. Louise with the lovely locks on the right.

Brian likes the Pimms... had three glasses. Des and Carmen.

Three generations of Tothills.

Freddie striding in to the party with Jack and Emily nearby.

Brian's bash

Carmen, Simon carrying Freddie and Emily with him.

Des, Ben, Dan, Jack. Back of Gabriella, Jo Ann and Ellie

Dan, Jack, Gabriella, Jo Ann, Ellie, Brian, Lynda

Lynda, Ellie, Gabriella, Simon - Jo's partner and Jo on the right.

Jo Ann, Dessie, Ben, Dan, Jack, Brian opening cards, Louise on the right.

Tarr Steps

Tarr Steps Farm Hotel, where we stayed for three nights with Valentina for Brian's 76th - ouch.

Lovely couple having a long weekend before baby comes.

Valentina loved this walk over the stream and up into the hill.

On the beach

Pebble beach near to the harbour. Seaton. Devon. We all look a bit cold and tired.

Visit to Simon and Carmen

Sitting room. He is sitting!

Side of house with plants and gardening equipment...

Side of house with veggies growing on the left.

Carmen, Brian, Gypsy and Valentina after a walk. Valentina rolled in sheep shit, did she stink?

Went to see them on the way to Tarr Steps. Stayed over. Simon caught four bream and the landlord or should I say, landlady, cooked them for us - in the pub.

On a beach near to Seaton. Misty day, sea rough, no fishing for Simon. But what the hell, had bangers in the beach cafe.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


In our garden at the moment.

Should be ready to eat soon - the green ones, not the red ones.

Odiham Cottage Hospital

Brian and I give up our time to work in a League of Friends charity shop for Odiham Cottage Hospital.

We were shown round by the administrator and Margaret our boss. The other lady is Jeanne she also works in the shop. Nice afternoon.

Weekend with Harry and Joanne at ours

Jo looking very well.

This one at Hayley's. With Lynda of course!

Our garden, getting to play boules.

Playing the game, the little place at the bottom of the garden is not the house by the way!

Playing cards at The Cricketers

A walk in our orchard opposite our house.

Nice warm weekend at ours with HARRY to entertain us. A bus trip into Camberley on bus passes and a swift look around charity shops.

Lots of eating and resting as well.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Love this.

Copied this from Angie's blog. Hope you don't mind Angie?

Festival in Ciutadella

There was a group from Barcelona playing at the quarry to celebrate the Full Moon.

Very warm night too. 32c

Underpass in Menorca

Wow = an underpass in Menorca! After all those roundabouts they are into these now.
Better late than never, suppose.


She is standing behind me on the right, in the dark jacket.
Jo has started another literary magazine for women writers called
THE YELLOW ROOM hopefully I might submit a story shortly.

Tabitha and Freddie on a bench