Saturday, July 21, 2007


Brian being shown the ropes the first morning. This is the paddock behind the house, the one I look at while I write. I can see the goats and the dogs as well as trees and grass, it is very inspiring.
It is now 10 days since the photo and Brian has his tasks down to a fine art. His first job is to let the chooks free range in the lower paddock and collect eggs. He takes Kaz and Pol (Castor and Pollux) their food too. They eat side by side in the paddock where the goats are kept. It could be the top paddock or side or lower. The grass is still long where they are but we will keep our eyes on it and move them once the grass looks like it needs a rest.
I feed Max the cat. Look at emails. Not a lot but it keeps me busy until Brian comes back from checking water troughs and counting goats, hens.
This is the normal morning until about 9.00am. Then we breakfast outside in the sun.


Angie said...

Glad you are both enjoying the other side of Oz..... & congrats on getting this BLOG together - good one, kiddo!!

travelbugs said...

It wasn't hard. Thought it would be. Val's pc is Chris tolerant!